Show Your Stuff

Activity 2

Discuss the results of your data base search.

  • What kinds of proteins do the two sequences most likely code for?
  • To what species do you believe the DNA belongs? Why?
  • Are your results consistent and conclusive? If not, what additional evidence would you require to support your findings? Identify possible reasons for inconsistent results.
  • Do you believe the DNA could have come from an organism outside this planet? Why or why not?
  • Describe, in detail, a possible scenario that could account for the evidence found in the box labeled "1947."
  • Either type your conclusion on a separate sheet of paper or prepare a PowerPoint or HyperStudio presentation to present your findings. Incorporate visuals into your final paper or presentation.

Show Your Stuff

Show Your Stuff

Activity 1

Show Your Stuff

Activity 2

Show Your Stuff

Activity 3