California Academic Standards

Grade 9-12 Bio/Life 9c Inv/ex 1d & 1m

Showed Some Results

2 points

Average Results

4 points

Very Good Results

6 points

Excellent Results

8 points

Understands feedback loops in endocrine system regulate the body.
Had many errors in explanation.
Lacked some of the details in the explanation.
Had some details in the explanation.
Very clear and detailed explanations.

Understands that medical diagnosis involoves problem solving.
Misdiagnosed patient.
Accurate diagnosis and demonstrated average problem solving logic.
Accurate diagnosis and demonstrated very good problem solving logic.
Accurate diagnosis and demonstrated excellent problem solving logic

Shows an understanding that diseases not only can be treated, but may be prevented.
Shows an elementary understanding.
Shows an average understanding.
Shows a very good undersanding.
Shows an excellent understanding.

Presentation of project is informative, neat, and organized.
No presentation, work turned in unorganized.
Presentation is poorly organized and lacks visuals.
Presentation is neat and organized, with visuals or handouts.
Presentation is neat and well organized, with visuals or handouts.

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