Outline of Expected Process 

The teacher's role in problem-based learning is to be a "guide on the side", which makes the outcomes of this project a little less predictable. The following outline is the anticipated process that your class will follow. There may be opportunities to enhance the understanding of the physical science concepts through related activities/extensions.

Organize Teams

Divide class into seven teams suggested in the memo

Each team assigns its members roles

Each team isolates key terms/vocabulary for their category

Each member adopts a term or concept

See What's Out There

Check out vocabulary/terms:
speed, velocity, acceleration, gravity, g forces, potential and kinetic energy, momentum, inertia, conservation of energy
Research the data
"get acquainted" with their roller coaster by interpreting the diagram and the position/time, velocity/time, and g-force charts

Research the competition through online databases

Make comparisons

Does it make a difference if you are specific about:

geographical location?

materials used? (What are factors that affect speed?--friction, motion, changes in direction, etc.)

comparing only part of the ride vs. the ride overall? Possibilities to explore...

Where would the greatest speed, velocity, or acceleration occur?

What's wrong with these designs?

Take a Stand

Make a legitimate claim based on the scientific evidence

Make an alternate claim

Double Check-

calculations, data sources, safety concerns

Produce a report

Assign presentation responsibilities

Review data to plan script and visual aids

Produce deliverables

Report to "board of directors" 

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Expected Process
Alternate Outcomes
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