Team Page 

In a nutshell, this is your mission:

Organize Your Team:

Your team may want to try the "Divide and Conquer" method where the Team Concept is very important.
Assign roles
Deciding each member's role will help your team get started, conduct discussions, and come to a conclusion. You should have a leader, recorder, materials manager, and time keeper.
Assign research topics
Your class may decide to divide into seven groups to research the seven categories suggested in your boss' memo. Figure out what terms apply to your team, then research them.
Assign presentation responsibilities
Once your team has come to its conclusion, each team member should become responsible for a part of the presentation. You'll probably need someone to script/storyboard the presentation, make visual aids, and do the oral presentation.

See What's Out There

Check out the vocabulary/terms, research the data, then make your comparisons. When making your claim, see if being specific with respect to materials or geographical location, or comparing only part of the ride makes a difference.

Take a Stand

Now that the research is done. Can you make a legitimate advertising claim? If so, go on to the next step of double checking your calculations, resources, and safety concerns. If not, your group will need to come up with an alternate "claim to fame".

Double Check Your Claim

Before your start working on your presentation, be sure to recheck your calculations and resources. You may want to look into safety regulations and history.

Produce Your Report for the Board of Directors

When your team is ready, get ready to show your stuff. Make your presentation of facts and opportunity. You may want to check out the presentation options and grading rubric to make sure you've got what it takes to make the grade.
Project Page
Team Page
Presentation Options
Grading Rubric