Team Page

1. In your groups generate possible explanations for this mystery based on your area of focus:

2. Record in your journal all your ideas about possible explanations.

3. Decide on your most promising idea and develop a justification for this decision, based on your current knowledge.

4. Now test your explanation by going to the Resources Page and reading.

HINTS FOR TEAMWORK:  on relationship. Using the strategy with students involves the following steps:

1. Develop a problematic situation for the students to consider. It is especially important that the context of the problem be clearly defined.

2. Pose the problematic situation to the students and in cooperative groups have them generate possible solutions or results. Have each group record all their responses as they discuss them.

3. It may be desirable to have each group decide upon their most promising result or solution. As part of their deliberations, have them develop a justification for why their decision might be considered the best answer. Each group then presents their solutions to the entire class for discussion.

4. The students are now ready to test their solution[s] by further reading, or in this case as a predictive model.

5. How did the student explanations compare with the information provided on the Internet? As a final step, revi

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