My Project Log
Using the Big Six


Project Title: 

Student:___________________ Beginning Date:                Due Date:                

I. Task Definition:
     a.  What am I supposed to do? (What's the information problem?)

     b.  What information do I need in order to do this? 1.




II. Information-seeking Strategies:

    a. What are the possible sources in which to find this information?



    b. Which ones are best for me to use?



 III. Location and Access:

    a. Where will I find these sources?



     b. Which information in these sources will I use?



 IV. Use of Information:

    a. As I use the sources, how will I record the information I find?

    _____ take notes using cards

    _____ take notes on notebook paper

    _____ take notes using a data chart

    _____ draw pictures

    _____ talk into a tape recorder

    _____ other_____________________________________________

    b. How will I give credit to my sources? _____ write title, author, page number on note cards

_____ write title, author, page number on note paper

_____ write title, author, page number on data chart

_____ other ____________________________________________

_____ other ____________________________________________