Subject: Science Field Study

Request for Year 2 Trip

(this summarizes results of previous proposal...see also "River Studies" link)

I've enclosed the original proposal for an integrated science field study. The whole idea was to both use the field work and experiences there as foundational for integration of much of our 7th grade studies, and to build a history of the study areas.

Last year the trips went extremely well. We used district busses and drivers, left early and returned by 1:30 to meet their schedules. (more time would have been very valuable, but the cost difference is understood)

The students had done all of the 6 tests in class beforehand, and practiced some drawing skills for field sketches. We chose our site on the upper Santa Ynez River to be both exciting in terms of observable flora and surface geology, and free of poison oak and other "hazards". They did their field tests, fixed dissolved oxygen and coliform test samples for future class labwork, used clipboards to sketch leaf types and answer questions related to the watershed. On the way back we stopped at the Cachuma dam overlook to give them a clearer idea of how human management practices affect the environment.

Back in the classroom the students went 2 ways. In Mr. Foote's classes, they studied topographic maps of the pre-dam rivercourse, and then extended their test data into a simulation of water quality health problems, using both real and fictional situations, and with the internet as a resource for several kinds of information.

In Mr. Hoskings class, the students continued the labwork, supplying extra data for the other student's simulation, and using additional samples from Oso Flaco, well water, and the ocean to make comparisons. Each student then wrote reports of their studies.

Examples of both the student reports and of the Water Quality simulation are posted on our BBS and will also be posted on the Environmental Connections website and our own school Homepages.