
SP.13.1 - Living things can be distinguished from nonliving things by their

characteristics, structures, and needs.

SP.13.2 - Living things have structures that do specific things to help the

organism live and grow and meet their needs as they interact with their


SP.13.3 - All living organisms are known to be related.

SP.13.4 - Humans use plants and animals for food and clothing.


SI.13.1 - Living things are comprised of structures enabling them to grow,

metabolize food, reproduce, and interact with their environment.

SI.13.2 - Organisms possess a hierarchy of structures (cells, tissues,

organs, and organ systems) that perform specific life functions and

serve to solve the various problems of survival. Variation in these

structures are common and are passed to the next generation through


SI.13.3 - Groups of organisms are known to be related because they share

essential features common to them but not to other organisms; they are

classified according to their structure.

SI.13.4 - Humans are part of the biosphere and are dependent on it.


SJ.13.1 - The growth, development, and life functions of every organism

are determined by common genetic materials which are similar enough

to establish that life has evolved from earlier forms.

SJ.13.2 - Organisms need energy, obtained through various means, to help

them perform functions necessary to life.

SJ.13.3 - Groups of organisms are recognized because they share derived

characteristics that appeared in their ancestors and have been passed on.

SJ.13.4 - Humans first domesticated plants and animals thousands of years

ago; selective breeding (artificial selection) has operated in that time as

much as natural selection has operated in evolutionary time.


SH.13.1 - The complex structures, cycles, and processes that characterize

living things require energy for growth and maintenance.

Sh.13.2 - Metabolic energy is obtained in different ways by different

organisms, but all basic activities of organisms are biochemical.

SH.13.3 - Classification shows evolutionary relationships based on the

presence of shared derived characteristics, inherited from earlier forms.

It uses successively less inclusive characteristics to form groups

of organisms most closely related to each other.

SH.13.4 - Human beings have complex social organizations and behaviors

that have allowed them to adapt to, and affect, a wide variety of

environments, raising numerous questions of social and environmental

concern (agricultural applications, biomedical advances, human population

growth, genetic engineering, etc).