
SP.1.1 - Matter comprises the "stuff" of the physical world and has definable properties that can be described at different scales using different tools.

SP.1.2 - Pure substances appear to be made of the same type of matter no matter how small a piece or part of it we observe.

SP.1.3 - Substances behave differently when they interact (i.e.: salt dissolves in water, sand does not).


SI.1.1 - Ordinary matter is constructed of atoms which combine in different ways to produce substances with different properties; as different kinds of matter result from interactions, the amount of matter remains constant.

SI.1.2 - The properties of things depend on the particular atoms of which they are made and the way in which the atoms are arranged.

SI.1.3 - Matter behaves and interacts in many different ways, changing physically or chemically.


SJ.1.1 - Understanding the physical and chemical properties of matter provides a useful distinction between fundamentally different types of change which may occur.

SJ.1.2 - The chemical and physical properties of compounds and molecules are determined by the number and types of atoms they contain and how they are arranged.

SJ.1.3 - Atoms and molecules combine in many ways, often absorbing or giving off energy.


SH.1.1 - The properties of matter and the manner in which it interacts with other matter is directly related to its atomic and subatomic structure.

SH.1.2 - Fusion and fission processes transform atoms from one kind to another and generate enormous amounts of energy.

SH.1.3 - The number and arrangement of electrically charged particles within atoms or molecules govern the predictable arrangements and rearrangements of the atoms in new substances (and this knowledge allows us to construct "new" matter whose properties can solve specific human needs).