Gardens Information Technology Research Visitors Kapili Home Page [Spacer]
[Image:Kapili Home Header]
[Image: The Sites]
[Image: The Sites]
[Image: The Sites]
[Image: The Sites]

[Image:Bird's Eye View of Kapili Islands]

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The KAPILI VISITOR CENTER. Welcome to Kapili! Here at the Visitor Center we like to introduce you to what our islands have to offer. Whoever you are, a little background is always helpful before you begin your explorations.

THE SITE: This is the who, what, when, and where about Kapili. It should answer most of your questions.

THE TOUR: A short guided tour showing you what parts of the islands are open to the public. You'll also learn about the resources and activities on the other islands of Kapili.

NEW STUFF! Construction on Kapili is constant. There will always be new areas in development and release. This is the most up to date listing of the islands' development.

BOOKMARK: Do you love our island getaway? Want to drop by every now and then for a visit? This is the place with directions on how to bookmark the site. We also have information on how to make us your home page.

TEACHER INFORMATION: Some come to play, some come to work. We think you might like to know about Kapili's resources. Although it might not seem like it, we planned all of this.

PRESS INFORMATION: Some of you aren't here on vacation. This is where we offer resources for our friends in the press.

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