Welcome to Megabuck$ Medical $ervice$!

We're looking for a few good people to join our staff.

You have a chance to interview for a job in one week. To prepare for the interview you need to practice some problem solving skills.

Every health professional needs to use math to solve problems.  Here are some samples of the kinds of issues different people deal with in their jobs.

Your assignment: solve as many of these problems as you can.

The hiring committee has set these rules for a successful presentation:
    --you must have correct units in your solution.
    --drawing a picture or some other visual presentation of the problem usually helps
    --make a list of what the problem asks for and what information they give you
    --use the hints--they are there for a reason!
Dietician 1
Medical Lab Technician 1
Nurse 1
Pharmacist 1
Dietician 2
Medical Lab Technician 2
Nurse 2
Pharmacist 2
Dietician 3
Medical Lab Technician 3
Nurse 3
Pharmacist 3
Dietician 4
Medical Lab Technician 4
Nurse 4
Pharmacist 4
Dietician 5
Medical Lab Technician 5
Nurse 5
Pharmacist 5
Medical Lab Technician 6
Nurse 6
Medical Lab Technician 7
Nurse 7
Water System Manager 1
Medical Lab Technician 8
Medical Lab Technician 9
Optician 1
Maritime health specialist 1
Medical Lab Technician 10

The more you solve, the more money you can make. . .
Salary Rubric:
Annual Salary
Hospital CEO
Department Manager
Accountant Analyst
Administrative Assistant
less than 10

(teacher page)

(Health Opps:)
(Health job listings)
Health Career Information
Monster Health care Recruiting