
A Division of Biochange, Unlimited

Sales Brochure

Each group must prepare a sample sales brochure for their project.

The sales brochure is a marketing device, so it should include be aimed at the target audience for your project. If the target audience is young men age 25 to 35, then the picutres and words in the brochure should be aimed at them, if the target audience is the legislators of Japan, the brochure should appeal to people in those jobs in that country.

The brochure may be prepared by hand or on computer. It may be contain hand-drawing , pictures cut from magazines, or photographs.

The entire purpose of this ad is to demonstrate to the CEO that the product is saleable.

If you are unsure how to design a sales brochure, example the 'junk mail' that arrives each day. Virtually every piece of mail is a sales brochure aimed at a different audience.
How todesign Brochure 
Ten Secrets for brochure design

Project overview
Report Intro/conclusion
Sales Brochure
Advisory Committee
Science Report
Ethics Report
Environmental Report
Legal Report
Business Report