If you are working with other observers, try to use some of the following hints.

Make sure to equally divide all work equally. If you are observing every day, give one day to the first person and the next day to the next person on your list.

Each team member should record and print out the pictures the same way.

Keep a team book with all the images arraigned in a way that everyone can find what they want. You could put all the sequential images together in one file, all the x-ray images together in another and so on. You need to have the sequential ones together to see the progress of your sun spot around the sun, anyway. If you put all the x-ray pictures in your file, you could put them in order according to date, also.

Have regular discussions with your team members to discuss what you have found. You may wish to predict when some event is going to occur and then watch to see if you are right. A weekly conference in which each team member describes each of their discoveries as completely as possible is a good idea. Once you get used to making regular reports to your team mates, you could invite other students in just to listen.

Decide on a way to show what you have learned, perhaps in a display case or on a poster board in your classroom. Perhaps you could set up a display for the whole school in a central place like near the front door. Show your images during class so that everyone gets to enjoy them.

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