How Did You Do ?

The twins want you to check your work and find out how you did in your new job as a Private Investigator for the Gray Matter Detective Agency.

Excellent Investigator

Research Log
completed all parts
information is correct
neat work
completed all parts of the task
very organized and creative
neat work
The twins are very pleased with your work. You are made a partner in the detective agency and receive a $10,000 bonus.

Good Investigator

Research Log
completed all parts
information is mostly correct
neat work
completed all parts of the task
neat work
The twins are pleased with your work. You keep your job with the detective agency and receive a $100 a week raise.


Research Log
completed most parts
information is mostly correct
fairly neat work
completed most of the task
fair organization
fairly neat work
The twins want you to return to Investigator School for some more training on how to research information and present a report.

Looking For A New Job

Research Log
some information is correct
messy work
task not completed
not organized
messy work
The twins think you need more skills to work for their detective agency and suggest you go back to school or find a different job.


Activity 1

Activity 2


Investigator's Log

Team Page

Show Your Stuff

How Did You Do

Teacher's Corner