Goals and Objectives

In this lesson, students in grades 7-12 should be able to accomplish the following:


  • Students will use the Internet to conduct background research, analyze data, and determine which microbe is guilty of causing chills, vomiting, and diarrhea in kids attending the picnic.
  • Students will choose possible solutions to several clues and demonstrate their findings through student designated investigations.
  • Students will utilize problem solving skills in "defining," "generalizing," "comparing and contrasting," "predicting," and "inferring."
  • Students will understand that microbes can be harmful or helpful.


  • Students are able to use Internet to search and find information.
  • Students are able to communicate with others electronically.
  • Students are able to identify and classify different types of microbes.
  • Students are able to work together cooperatively and share in the collection, analysis, and presentation of research data.
  • Students are able to present their findings in written, oral, and electronic form.

This lesson relates to the following California Content Standards:

Grade 7 - Life Science

1a. Cells function similarly in all living organisms.
1b. The characteristics that distinguish plant cells from animal cells, including chloroplasts and cell walls.

Grades 9-12 - Cell Biology

1c. How prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, and viruses differ in complexity and general structure.

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