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Show Your Stuff

Scenic Volcano This is where you and your team "peak" out.
The success of the movie is in your hands.

Here are a few ways you can creatively show what you have learned.

Role Play

Play the role of the researchers presenting your findings to the producer. This must be an organized polished exhibition of your professionalism. You will use available resources such as handouts, charts, graphs, pictures, models, and presentation software (Hyper Studio, PowerPoint...) to get your point across in the most effective way possible.

Write a Script

Write a mini-script for Homer's Hill that incorporates all your findings. The dialogue will use technical information and the volcanic locations will be described in various scenes.

Book on Tape

Make a "Book-on-Tape" using a script such as the one described above. Record the dialogue, sound effects, and narration using your team members and any "hired" talent.
This could also play out like one of those "Old Fashioned" radio shows.